

We offer GED classes in partnership with Dutchess Community College, and pay you for attendance + completion.


We provide you with training and jobs to make money!

You will receive job ready certifications for completely free


Through mentorship and training, you will set an example for the next generation and inspire others with your accomplishments.

Why YouthBuild?

Bi-Weekly Paychecks
For Preformance

Small Classes

College Credits

Hands-On Training

College & Career 

Youth Mentoring

Industry Recognized

Goal Based Education



Leadership Opportunities

And More

YouthBuild believes that the goals, dreams, and aspirations of every young person are real. They are important, and they are achievable.

Young people do not need fixing; they need champions who see them for who they really are, and who they can become. Every young person possesses the potential to become a community leader and should have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

At Nubian Directions II, the Youthbuild program is geared towards helping individuals without a high school diploma to obtain their GED, all while acquiring practical skills that can positively impact their lives in the long term.

We are one of the 276 YouthBuild programs across the United States, Nubian Directions II aims to change the lives of young people by providing training, community service opportunities, and sustainable-wage jobs.

Am I Eligible To Join YouthBuild?

Age Requirement:

Between the ages of 16 and 24 on the date of enrollment.


Needs to be one or more of the following:

A member of a low-income family (including youth experiencing housing instability)

Youth in foster care ( including youth aging out of foster care )

A youth involved in the justice system

A youth who is an individual with a disability  

A child of an incarcerated parent

A migrant youth


One of the following:

Left high school prior to graduation

An individual who left high school prior to graduation and has subsequently re-enrolled (as provided in WIOA Sec. 171(e)(1) Eligible Participants).


As it relates to determining which youth are considered out-of-school youth, DOL does not consider providers of Adult Education under YouthBuild programs to be “schools.”

Therefore, WIOA Youth programs may consider youth out-of-school for purposes of WIOA Youth program eligibility if they are attending Adult Education provided under YouthBuild.

Up to, but not more than, 25 percent of the participants in the program may be youth who do not meet criteria 2 or 3 above, but they must meet the following:

Be basic skills deficient, despite attainment of a high school diploma or its state-recognized equivalent

Have been referred by a local secondary school for participation in a YouthBuild program leading to the attainment of a high school diploma.

NOTE: Male participants aged 18 or older must register for the U.S. Selective Service System ( before being provided any program services. If they turn 18 while participating, they must register at that time.

Nubian Directions AmeriCorps Partnership

Through our partnership with AmeriCorps, we are able to offer students in our program the opportunity to earn college grants and benefits by completing community service hours. Community service is an essential aspect of serving our community, our organization participates in community service across our city and we track every single hour served.

In our program, you are required to serve a total 450 hours of community service, once completed you will be rewarded with an Segal AmeriCorps Education Award providing minimum $1,750 for educational use. This grant amount will change depending on various factors and is subject to increase.

Ways You Can Use Your Educational Award

Pay Educational Expenses

You can use your education award to pay current educational expenses at eligible schools and at certain GI Bill-approved educational programs for veterans.

Eligible schools are higher educational institutions, both domestic and foreign, that currently participate in the Department of Education’s Title IV student aid programs.   This category includes most post-secondary colleges, universities, and technical schools.

Find out more

Repay Qualified Student Loans

The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award can only be used to repay the qualified student loans listed below:

  • Loans backed by the federal government under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (except PLUS Loans to parents of students)
  • Loans under Titles VII or VIII of the Public Service Health Act
  • Loans made by a state agency, including state institutions of higher education

What Is AmeriCorps?

Connecting Individuals and Organizations to Help Communities Tackle Their Toughest Challenges

AmeriCorps sends people power and funding to communities across the country. Disaster response, opioid crisis, education – these are just a few of the causes where AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers have stepped up to strengthen their community.

About AmeriCorp

AmeriCorps is a federal agency that funds organizations to make positive impact in communities.  To support the placement of AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers in communities, they provide more than $800 million in grants every year.

AmeriCorp Partnership

Through our partnership with AmeriCorp, we are able to offer AmeriCorp members in our program benefits such as:

Icon for money for college and trade school

Money for College and Trade School

The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award is offered to individuals who complete a term of service and can be used to pay for a range of educational expenses, like repaying qualified student loans or future tuition payments. You can earn up to two full Education Awards with multiple service terms.

Loan deferment and interest forbearance icon

Loan Deferment and Interest Forbearance

Individuals in approved AmeriCorps positions are eligible for forbearance for most federally-guaranteed student loans. In addition, interest payments that accrue during service may be eligible for repayment by AmeriCorps.

Professional development icon

Professional Development

Jump-start your career and gain transferable skills employers value including leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. Once you complete your service, leverage the Employers of National Service network, which connects you with hundreds of employers from the private, public, and nonprofit sectors who are committed to hiring alumni.

Alumni network icon

Alumni Network

Join a network of like-minded leaders who are passionate about improving communities. AmeriCorps alumni receive access to special benefits and resources. For example, many colleges and universities match the Education Award and offer additional AmeriCorps scholarships.

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